Dear friends,
it has been a very busy, very wonderful and very amazig time over the last few days and there is no doubt we have all been swept away by this great celebration of the birthday of our Saviour Jesus Christ. While the Southern Hemisphere was able to once again enjoy this time in very warm temperatures our experience this year in Germany was completely different. WE HAD A WHITE CHRISTMAS!!! Yes we did, snow covered hills, trees, houses and was spectacular. I'm sure it was much more spectacular for Michael who experienced all this for the very first time in his life, but I think I am safe to say, along with many other Germans, that this kind of Christmas is the best way to celebrate Christmas!!!
Michael had a lot of first times this Christmas. First time presents on the 24th. First time eating goose with red cabbage and potato dumplings for Christmas Day dinner (lunchtime). First time building a snowman on the lawn on Christmas Day. First time all the church services were in German. It must have been a bit frustrating at times but maybe the beauty of the services helped to communicate the message of Christmas across language barriers (which by the way are diminishing a bit more each day).
On Christmas Eve, my mum and dad took us to the St Thomas Church (Thomaskirche) in Leipzig to attend a serive at which the St Thomas Boys Choir (Thomanerchor) sang. We returned home at 4pm and found our presents under the Christmas tree!!! The next days, my aunties, uncles and cousins came to visit and we have had a busy time fitting church services, snowmen, family and friends all in our days. My grandparents live in the house with us so we don't have to go so far to see them!
In 2 days is New Years Eve. Michael just returned from the supermarket with my dad loaded with rockets and other fire crackers and EXCITED LIKE A LITTLE BOY! He can hardly believe that Germans do their own fireworks on New Years and impatiently awaits that evening.
We send our love to all who read this blog, hope you are full of the joy of Christmas - a Son has been born to us!!!