Monday, 11 January 2010

The coolest Wedding Anniversary ever

Yesterday we celebrated Michael's birthday and our wedding anniversary in the freezing cold temperatures here in Germany. God has done an amazing thing by allowing us to be here in Germany while they are experiencing their most snowy winter in many years. The snow ploughs that are meant to clear the roads can't keep up with the work and the news are full of stories about car drivers who got stuck in their cars on the autobahn and have to spend the night in their freezing cars with the Red Cross giving out warm blankets and tea...Last night, Michael and I attended an English church service in Leipzig for a change, and I can tell you, it was quite an adventure to get there...30 cm of snow on the road. We even encountered a young guy on his skies in the middle of the city! He was very smart because skies are the best way to get around these days. Once again, Michael and my mum are carting many trailer-loads full of snow into the back of the garden. Through all the snow shovelling in the past days, many 1.50m high piles of snow have appeared at the edges of the yard and we fear that when it melts (if we ever get warm temperatures again!) the yard will be flooded!

In the midst of all that snow and ice, however, Michael gave me the most amazing anniversary present in the world: We've got a pond on the property, which is frozen but was covered in a thick layer of snow. Michael spent almost 2 hours to shovel all the snow off it and so...I got to ice-skate on it!!! What a joy! Photos will follow.

As you can see, winter is still full of happiness for us. We do feel for the poor people in the north of Germany, though, who are suffering up to 2 metres of snow. All the kids will be happy, though, because they were given the day off school!!!

We're now busily planning some trips around the country and abroad. No rush to be leaving the comfy and warm house here in Taucha, though...our winter wonderland out there is far too nice, and complete with Mama's cooking and my parent's and grandparent's loving company, why would we ever want to travel?! No, of course we are planning to visit other places, too. But be ensured, right at this moment, we are totally contempt here in warm and cosy Leipzig.

Stay posted...!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary! And Happy birthday to Michael.

    What a thoughtful man Michael is to give you the give of ice skating on a your pond - perfect! Sounds like a wonderland!
